Find Peace of Mind, Joy and Strength for Your Daily Life

Laugh at the crazy moments rather than sulk. These moments are what you make of them. Sure it might be sucky but intentionally choose joy and see how the moment changes. Acknowledge how amazing you are. That presentation you gave was great. You stepped out of your comfort zone. You aced that test. YOU did that. Love on your loved ones. Take the time to call your friend and check in. Visit your brother and his family. Buy your mom a gift. Without any intention of getting anything in return. These are your people. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. … Continue reading Find Peace of Mind, Joy and Strength for Your Daily Life

Habits that Promote Wellness

“If you were to examine the lives of seemingly overall healthy people you would note that there are  a number of good habits they implement into their daily life to maintain their wellness. Habits are simple actions that are engraved into a person’s daily routine such as washing your teeth, locking your house door every time you leave the house or washing your dishes after everyone eats. You execute them without even thinking about it.” Continue reading Habits that Promote Wellness